November Presidents Letter

November is here which means, the holidays are upon us. So many who are TTC (trying to conceive) find themselves dreading this time of year. Yet, here I am trying to find some encouraging word to share with you and remind you that even though the leaves change color and fall to the ground, we still can find something to be thankful for.

This month take time to find 3 things you are thankful for even if the test, the IUI, IVF, is negative. Find 3 things that make your heart happy even when all you want to do is curl up and cry. Find 3 people who have made difference in your life and who’ve stood by your side even though you’ve made it tough for them to do so. Finally, be thankful for yourself, your strength, and endurance because without those, there’s no hope.

Ralph Waldo Emerson puts it best when he said:

Give thanks for each new morning
With its light,
For rest and shelter
Of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything
Thy goodness sends.

Have a wonderful November friends and know I am thankful for you and this community~Kassandra Mayo

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Conceive Nebraska