What Does it Mean to Have Access to Fertility Care in Nebraska?-A Grandma’s Point of View

When 57 year old Linda was asked the question above, this was her answer:

“Everyone has an equal right to give love and life, to make a family how they determine best. Fertility care allows people like myself, to watch my child have children and see the joy it brings as she welcomes her two children into the world. Although there were some hard and painful moments, my daughter at least had a chance. 

There is no hope when your right to fertility treatments is taken away, especially by others who have not experienced or witnessed this heartbreak. My biggest reason for advocating for access to fertility care is because it provided me with the ability to love on two precious grandchildren. 

Parenthood is such a joy-filled experience that no one should be denied of because of someone else’s decision-making. I know that today there are many grandparents and grandchildren whose lives have been so incredibly blessed because there was access too fertility care.”

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Conceive Nebraska