How Couples Can Boost Fertility…Together!

Written By: Kelly Nuno of Nurturing Lives

It’s no secret that infertility is on the rise, and that it can put a major strain on a couple’s relationship. Oftentimes, women bear the burden of getting pregnant simply because they are the ones that carry the baby.

While the woman’s health is certainly a key factor in becoming pregnant, men are also 50% of the equation. The good news is that, in many cases, the body can reverse infertility naturally if given the correct resources. Listed below are some ways that couples can boost their fertility together, while also creating some great memories and habits in the process.

Note: This is not intended to be medical advice. It is important to check with your doctor or qualified specialist to address any potentially serious underlying health issues.

1.) Nutrition

Today, many people are actually undernourished, even if they are overweight. This is due to the plethora of convenience foods offered at every corner. These foods are often extremely inflammatory and very low in actual nutrients. If our bodies do not have the proper nutrients to maintain a pregnancy, it is very unlikely to occur or be maintained.

Dietary changes can make a tremendous difference in fertility, and often help with other issues such as excess weight, lack of energy, blood sugar imbalances, skin problems, and insomnia. Those who choose to undergo fertility treatments can also improve their chances of conception by supporting their bodies through nutrition.

While there are certainly foods that I recommend cutting back on while preparing to become pregnant (i.e., alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and processed foods) I prefer to focus on what we can add to our diets to boost nutrients stores and support hormones.

  • Obtain more nutrient-dense carbohydrates from vegetables, some fruits, and starchy sources like sweet potatoes and squash instead of processed carbohydrates such as white breads, pastas, and sugary treats.
  • Increase healthy fats in the diet from sources such as coconuts, coconut oil, olives and olive oil, butter, grass-fed meats, eggs, avocado, and nuts.
  • Focus on proteins sources from grass-fed/pasture-raised meats, eggs, and nuts.
  • Eat a variety of vegetables, especially green leafy varieties like lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard, chard, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and similar veggies.
  • Drink enough water. Hydration is important for so many functions within the body, including fertility.

Couples can and should try to make these dietary changes fun! Cook together, support each other, and know that you’re not only boosting your chances of getting pregnant but also changing your health for the better in the process!

2.) Minimize Chemical Exposure

In our modern everyday life, we come into contact with a variety of different chemicals through the products that we use, the food that we eat, and the air we breathe. It is especially important to reduce exposure as much as possible during pre-conception and pregnancy.

Here are some ways that you can cut down your exposure:

  • Buy organic/local and wash fruits and vegetables well. This reduces your intake of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and chemicals that may have been sprayed on the plants.
    • Consume fewer processed, canned, pre-packaged foods to reduce your intake of chemicals that coat the inside of cans and are found in plastic wrappings.
    • Avoid handling sales receipts or storing them in your wallet. The thermal coating contains BPA to give them their shiny plastic texture.
    • Switch plastic food storage containers to glass, and never heat your food in plastic.
    • Avoid air fresheners, conventional cleaning supplies, smoke, and heavily perfumed products.
    • Read the labels on ALL personal care products such as cosmetics, shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, body washes, etc. and choosing those that are free of parabens, phthalates, PEG’s and fragrance.
    • Check out the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep page to make sure that what you’re using on your body and for cleaning is safe.

3.) Stress Management and Finding Joy

If you are having difficulty conceiving, you may have heard from a well-meaning friend or family member to “just relax”. While this advice can certainly be frustrating to hear, there is some truth to it.

While simply relaxing may not work for every couple, stress management and healthy mindset techniques are important not only for fertility, but for our health.

Below are a few ways to de-stress and bring more joy into both of your lives:

  • Find a form of exercise that you enjoy doing together. This could be hiking, long walks, taking a new class, kayaking…the options are endless! Just make sure it is something that will be fun for both of you and will bring you closer together.
  • Practice relaxation techniques. Yoga, meditation and breathing techniques can help relieve tension. They reduce the production of stress hormones which can inhibit reproductive hormones.
  • Get out in nature. We often don’t spend enough time outside, and because of this we don’t get enough sunshine or fresh air. Biologically, we are not meant to be cooped up inside all day. Make it a point to get outside when possible, even if that means before/after work.
  • Get some rest! Sleep is very important for your hormonal balance, including your stress hormones. Make sure you’re hitting the hay at a reasonable hour and making sleep a top priority.

While fertility and medical treatments are necessary for some couples depending on individual circumstances, the tips mentioned above will help to support your health, hormones, and fertility while trying to conceive. The hope is that tackling these lifestyle changes as a couple will make both partners feel more invested and supported while trying to get pregnant.

For more information about Kelly or Nurturing Lives, click here:

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